
First, the etymology of what we colloquially refer to as film.
The english word cinema derives from the Greek kinematographos = kinema and grapho. Κinema (cinema) means the movement and grapho means to write (or, to record).
Below is a catalog of my favorite film. I always enjoy asking others for their favorites lists and this is my list of favorites.
Specific Episodes (of a Series)
- coming soon
- 47 Ronin
- Aguirre, the Wrath of God (Herzog)
- Nosferatu the Vampyre (Herzog)
- Solaris (Tarkovsky)
- Solaris (Soderbergh)
- The River (Renoir)
- Black Narcissus (Powell and Pressburger)
- Fitzcarraldo (Herzog)
- Nostalghia (Tarkovsky)
- Jack Reacher (Herzog as the Villian)
- Lessons of Darkness (Herzog)
- In The Mouth of Madness [Horror] (John Carpenter)
- Horatio’s Drive: American’s First Road Trip (Ken Burns)
- Mark Twain (Ken Burns)
- Grave of the Fireflies (Isao Takahata)
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Image of Odeon of Herodes Atticus, in the Acropolis of Athens. Image taken from